MRL Elevator Suppliers in India
MRL Elevator Suppliers in India
Express Elevators was Established in Year – 1999. Express Elevators is one of the famous MRL Elevator Suppliers in India. It is a Repair and Maintenance organization that gives remarkable client care and great work to business and private properties.
The Machine Room-Less (MRL) elevator is now available because advanced motor technology has reduced the size of electric motors used with traction equipment. These newly designed permanent magnet motors (PMM) allow the manufacturers to locate the machines in the hoistway overhead, thus eliminating the need for a machine room, typically over the hoistway.
A typical traction elevator requires a sheave-to-rope ratio of 40:1 – in other words, a sheave 40 times the diameter of the hoist rope. Smaller ratios such as 16:1 might be achieved with the MRL hoisting methods. When these types of smaller ratios are achieved, a flexible high strength hoist rope is used to provide the smaller 16:1 ratio. The grooves are shaped to grip the hoist ropes.
It saves 25% of the total elevator equipment area. It reduces 40% of space occupation
Features of MRL Elevator:
- Excellent performance
- Rugged design
- Low maintenance
- Latest technology in the world
- Smooth and swift in operations
- Flexible to all building designs
- Consumes less electricity
- Safe and Reliable
Where to use MRL Elevators:
- Low & Mid-rise buildings
- Hotels
- Hospitals
- Commercial buildings
- Malls
We are a manufacturer and supplier of many more Elevators which you can see on Our Elevators Page.
For more details, you can Contact Us.